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Dr. Levy is a pioneer in the fields of mind-body medicine, health psychology, clinical psychology and positive psychology. He is board-certified in five clinical specialties: clinical psychology, psychotherapy, clinical hypnosis, forensic medicine and forensic examination. Click 'About' for his full bio.


Dr. Levy draws from several related scientific fields and methods to meet the needs of his patients and clients. These are summarized in the chart below.

Science and Methods


*Each term in this column is

defined below



  • Clinical Psychology

  • Health Psychology

  • Positive Psychology


Mind-Body Medicine




Clinical Hypnosis




Hypnotic Meditation


Extreme De-stressors


Spiritual Counseling


Energy Therapies




Those seeking recovery from mental and physical illness, injury, or disability or to change unhealthy behaviors


Individual psychotherapy

  • Children

  • Youth

  • Adults

  • Seniors


Couples/marriage psychotherapy


Family psychotherapy


Behavior modification

  • Weight loss

  • Smoking cessation

  • Conflict in relationships

  • Self-injurious behavior


Wellness education


Healthy lifestyle guidance


Stress management




Those seeking to develop the infinite capacities of their minds to achieve a noble personal goal or a vision for the greater good


Consultation with business executives, educators, civil servants, political leaders and community organizers who want to transform their organizations, the economy, or society at-large


Organizational consulting


Training of health and allied health professionals in the use of Dr. Levy’s methods to improve clinical outcomes for their patients and clients


Training of anyone who wants to use Dr. Levy’s methods to:

  • Find the deepest meaning and purpose of life

  • Heal others

  • Transform society

  • Foster scientific & technological innovation that will uplift humankind and heal the planet





Clinical Psychology:


Health Psychology:


Positive Psychology:


Mind-Body Medicine:




Clinical Hypnosis:




Greek or Neo-Latin meaning “wisdom of the soul” – the science of the mind, mental states, mental processes and strategies (and their relationship to behavior) for individuals, groups or whole classes of persons involved in a particular field of activity (i.e. the psychology of business, the psychology of motherhood, the psychology of leadership).

The branch of psychology concerned with the assessment and treatment of mental illness, abnormal behavior and psychiatric problems.

The branch of psychology that applies scientific knowledge of the interrelationships among emotional, cognitive, behavioral, social and biological components of wellness to:

  • Promote and maintain health.

  • Prevent, treat and rehabilitate illness and disability.

  • Improve the health care system.

The branch of psychology concerned with the scientific study of positive human functioning and flourishing on multiple levels that include the biological, emotional, cognitive, spiritual, personal, relational, institutional, cultural and global dimensions of life. Also defined as the scientific study of the strengths, virtues and capacities that allow individuals, communities and institutions to thrive.  

The science of how the mind affects the brain and body, and vice versa, to determine a person’s health and wellbeing. Dr. Levy specializes in teaching his clients how to develop their emotions, cognition (thinking and perception) and spiritual awareness to overcome disease and disability and/or achieve their goals for robust health and happiness.

Talk therapy that explores thoughts, feelings and behavior for the purpose of problem solving, achieving higher levels of functioning and increasing the wellbeing, health and happiness of a person, couple, family or group.

Progressive relaxation techniques, guided imagery and psychotherapeutic guidance used to help a person achieve heightened focus, concentration and mental power in order to attain their goals for health, wellbeing and success.

Hypnotic Meditation:


Extreme De-stressors:

Techniques used to calm and focus the mind in order to achieve a state of awareness in which the attention is highly     focused and enhanced, one in which stressful thought and feeling are set aside and a much higher, more accurate level of thought, insight and mental power emerge. This state of awareness brings about the relaxation response – the biological opposite of stress. Meditation increases size and activity in 8 specific areas of the brain associated with deeper awareness, better memory, better analytical skill and more self-control. It deactivates anxiety in the brain’s default mode network and produces calm mental clarity. The brain’s neural pathways are also made larger and more direct by meditation, so we think faster and smarter.

A relaxed body and a calm mind are necessary for effective meditation. Many people have trouble relaxing enough to     meditate, get frustrated, and give up before they can enjoy the benefits. Dr. Levy invented hypnotic meditation to solve this problem: his method uses progressive relaxation techniques and guided imagery to relax the body and calm and focus the mind so you can slide into meditation with ease and enjoy the benefits right away, without the frustration. 

Spiritual Counseling:

Energy therapies:

Dr. Levy’s trademark protocols that combine psychotherapy, clinical hypnosis and meditation. Extreme de-stressors evolve the mind much faster than any one of these three methods alone, allowing you to tap levels of knowledge and power that are ordinarily elusive, and use them to achieve any noble goal: health of mind and body, overcoming chronic stress and adversity, enjoying vast gains in personal power, achieving extraordinary levels of success in any endeavor, finding the deepest meaning and purpose of life, or attaining enlightened awareness.

Use of the mind and mental processes to explore the deepest meaning and purpose of life and bring it into being.

Use of specific mental procedures to expand and improve the body’s electromagnetic energy field and discrete fields associated with the brain, heart, pancreas and other critical organs and systems. Usually referred to as biofield energy     therapy in the scientific literature.  

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